Tuesday, April 15, 2014

You can now enter Butts' rear

Dr. Massiv Schitface Butts, the famous Bellicose Junction bunion surgeon, has announced that his office's parking is now available in his rear entrance. The changes came after a grant from the Bellicose Junction Llamedical Produce and Biotin Company.

Dr. Butts' standards of practice in Bellicose has been synonymous with success. A sign on his window enthusiastically reads, "Every time Butts opens, goodness flows out."

His employees are happy about the changes, too.

Maria Shriver, no relation to the former Governator, or wait, maybe she is, told this site that she's ecstatic about Butts' new entrance. "I love that I can get in through his rear now, the front was too tight, especially when someone was using a device and things like that," she said. "It's open and easy, you can glide yourself around with ease!"  Shriver praised the grant for other changes, such as a new improved water fountain. "The previous fountain only was 2 and a half high," she commented. "This building was Dr. Ecklerberg's before he moved, so most things in here were made purposely diminutive to sort of help him, as was as tall as a misfit."

Mayor Poppy Largent awarded the grant on a traditional commemorative tin foil-covered posterboard. Even Largent has been on the receiving end of Butts' actions. Largent had a painful bunion as a result of a llama stomping incident, and Butts removed it.  After that March surgery, Largent commented, "I will go to bat for Butts!"

Dr. Butts held the tin foil posterboard with Largent for a photo op, depicted here in a cartoon format.

Largent (right) and Butts (obviously)
Butts commented after, "Who would have ever predicted a guy from a little house in Nippletucks would ever make it big, and have a rear entrance this beautiful?"  Butts continued, "My mom and dad named me Masiv Schitface because they saw what the name 'Seymour' Butts did to my bother. Seymour could not escape ridicule and constantly badgering over his funny name, he was, so to speak, the butt of the joke. My parents knew that Masiv was the only logical name, and I thank them every day for it."

Butts plans on expanding his new opening later this year, and is pursuing additional grant money to be able to pump in his operation.

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