Thursday, April 24, 2014

Take your child to work day an eye opener for Bellicose teen

Bellicose Junction teen Jack Sausagefinger was permitted to be out of his high schoool class at North Broomstick for a good cause. His father, Sid, took him to his job at the city of Bellicose Office of Permitting, Papers, and Carbon Copying of Things.

Sid 'Sloppy' Sausagefinger told this site, "I wanted to show my son what real work is, he needs to see this to be better ready for his future career." Sloppy said, "I planned a busy day so my son could see what his pop does for eight hours."

In the morning, Jack was treated to a raucous round of water cooler gossip. Jack said that he heard Linda didn't make copies yesterday, but that Wilma 'does everything around here' without a raise. After several minutes of debate about whether office workers wanted to get lunch at 11:30 or wait until 12:00, Sloppy came back from a 25 minute bathroom break and reeked of cigarettes, though he told his son that he is down to 1 a day and smokes E-Cigarettes for the rest of the time. Moments later, word spread that city the Office of Permitting Chief was in the building, and the restless herd of city workers quickly dissipated from the group and headed back to their desks to "make things look good for when the Chief walks through." Jack said he saw most of the staff picking up phones and talking, but doubted anyone was on the other line.

Sloppy sat Jack down and let him watch his workload as it progressed. Sloppy busily made four copies and pressed hard down on carbon paper to date stamp them. "It's important to make sure you press down," Sloppy instructed his son.  Sloppy hurriedly tried to get his carbon paper out of the way to make way for a shipment from UPS. "The office supplies have arrived!" he shouted to his co-workers. Jack was forcibly moved out of the way as the 'gals in the office' rushed for file folders and staples. "I've been out since last week, I can't believe we don't order these more often," a bitter Linda commented to Sloppy. Linda reminded Sloppy that she made 'all of the copies' yesterday without any help from anyone else.

It was now time for a break.
Jack was given a copy of USA TODAY to blend in. "No one here reads local news, son," Sloppy said, commenting that local news was written in a 6th grade style.  "Instead," Sloppy reminded his son, "we read the high-browed text of USA TODAY." Sloppy admitted that he often struggles attempting to understand the hard hitting topics covered USA TODAY.

Sloppy was worried that Jack was be overwhelmed with the excitement of office work, so he cut the day short.  Around 12:30--after eating 14 chicken wings from the local restaurant that delivered, Sloppy took his son home. "I have a lot of leave time here," he told his son. "I have to burn this before it runs out." Jack was unimpressed.

Jack sent a photograph to this website of his various points of his day. We have chosen not to publish, instead a graphical representation of Jack and Sloppy are featured.

The Mayor's office has released a statement that 2015's take your child to work day has already been cancelled.

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